Made in the USA: The Importance of American Manufacturing

American Manufacturing

One of the reasons we started our Denver machine shop is because we're passionate about American manufacturing. We belong to a third-generation manufacturing family and we've seen how this industry has changed over the years, as many jobs have unfortunately been outsourced overseas. 

We know there's a massive potential for localized manufacturing to support our country’s societal, economic, and environmental goals, and we're joining other manufacturing leaders in calling for the reshoring of supply chain operations

Let's look at 4 big reasons to invest in American manufacturing. 

4 Reasons to Invest in American Manufacturing 

1. Self-Sufficiency

It's no secret that the manufacturing industry is experiencing major supply chain disruptions right now due to factors like COVID-19, workforce shortages, weather challenges, and more. 

When American companies depend on manufacturing from other countries, they become vulnerable to unforeseen global events. Investing in American manufacturing not only keeps our country more self-sufficient and sustainable, but it also ensures that companies and end users receive the parts, components, and products they need on time.

From a geopolitical standpoint, depending on other territories for manufacturing needs can be risky as tensions rise and escalate. If the relations between the United States and countries with which American companies have manufacturing contracts sour, our country loses leverage for trade relations and access to necessary parts, components, and products.

2. Cost and Quality

Cost has traditionally been a deciding factor for companies to outsource manufacturing jobs globally because labor has historically been cheaper in other parts of the world. But today, labor wages are rising around the globe, and as the price gap narrows, outsourcing is becoming a less enticing option. Offshore production can also cost companies more due to other factors such as transportation fees and business overhead in each location.

Quality is also a concern when outsourcing manufacturing, as the United States has some of the most stringent manufacturing standards in the world. For years, companies have chosen to move manufacturing offshore for cheaper labor and to bypass American quality control measures. But there's a reason we have the saying, "You get what you pay for.” With cheaper labor and fewer quality control measures in place, parts, components, and products manufactured overseas run the risk of being poorly made. 

3. Job Creation

Reshoring American manufacturing increases the value of the American worker in the manufacturing industry. Companies need skilled workers to operate, oversee, and organize their technology and teams, even with automation on the rise. There are plenty of job opportunities in the industry when we invest in Made in the USA parts, components, and products. 

American manufacturing can also be part of the solution to the student debt crisis. Spending tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars on university education isn’t the only viable path for our country's young people. A career in manufacturing doesn't require a college degree—but it can provide a good living.  

4. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Concerns 

As American companies look to reduce carbon emissions and their overall environmental footprints, they’re realizing more and more that localizing their supply chains can help them achieve this goal. 

For one thing, localizing supply chains decreases dependence on global transportation—a significant contributor to carbon emissions. When companies choose American manufacturing, fewer environmental resources are required to get parts, components, and products from one part of the supply chain to the next. 

If we invest in American manufacturing, we invest in our citizens, communities, country, and the global environment. Here at Summit CNC, we believe a strong manufacturing climate is essential for our country's sustainable and prosperous future. 

We'd be honored to partner with you to provide precision machining services from our CNC machine shop in beautiful Denver, Colorado. Get a quote today, and we’ll respond to your request within 24 hours. 


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