Do You Know Who’s Manufacturing Your Parts?

There’s no shortage of on-demand industrial parts marketplaces that are promising the world to manufacturing customers who order custom parts. While these solutions seem convenient at first glance, we’ve worked with many customers who end up disappointed by their sub-par part quality and lack of customer service. 

Here’s the truth: When you use an online marketplace to manufacture your custom parts, you have virtually no insight into or direct communication with those who are actually performing the manufacturing services. 

You have no way of knowing if the manufacturer is truly qualified or if the materials and quality are up to your standards. And when something goes wrong, you get routed to a frustratingly complex customer service department, where you’re transferred from one person to the next with little hope of ever getting the help you need. 

At our Denver CNC machine shop, we strive to provide customers with a high-touch, personal manufacturing experience. We offer the same benefits touted by online CNC machining marketplaces—turnkey solutions for prototyping and low volume production—with many additional perks that you’ll never get from an online marketplace. 

For starters, when you work with us, you’ll know exactly who’s manufacturing your parts.

5 Benefits of Knowing Who’s Manufacturing Your Parts

There are many advantages to knowing the people who work directly on your projects. Here’s what you can expect from the personalized service at our Denver machine shop:

1. Responsiveness

From the moment you submit a quote for CNC machining, we pledge to be timely and responsive. You’re eager to get your project started—and so are we! 

In most cases, we are able to provide a quote within 2 to 3 business days. If your CNC machined parts require more intensive review due to part features, precision tolerances, finishing requirements, or the number of separate line items, it may take longer to generate a quote, but we will do so as quickly as possible and keep you updated.

2. Transparent Communication

When you work with us, you always have a direct line of communication to our team. If at any point you have a question or an issue, simply give us a call and we’ll be there to help. No automated system. No maze of customer service prompts to block you from speaking to real people who are manufacturing your CNC machined parts. 

Through the entire manufacturing process, we remain committed to transparency and communication. You’ll always know exactly what’s going on with your parts.

3. Attention to Detail

Sometimes customers submit designs for parts that aren’t optimized well for CNC machining processes. In these instances, we analyze the designs and provide helpful Design for Manufacturing (DfM) recommendations to ensure that customers get the best quality parts.

If customers were to send these same part designs to an online marketplace, their machined parts may be manufactured without any optimization or design feedback. In these cases, customers often end up going back to the marketplace repeatedly to get their parts right. This can cost a tremendous amount of time and money.

4. Dedicated Problem Solving

For online marketplaces, each customer may be considered just another transaction. For us, each customer is a valued partner—and we’re invested in their success. 

Our team is with you from start to finish. We’re committed to getting your custom parts right no matter what obstacles may stand in the way. 

5. High Standards for Your Finished Parts

Our goal is to produce world-class CNC machined parts for our customers. If a final part doesn’t meet our high standards, we won’t rest until we get it right. 

More than anything, we’re here to build long-term relationships with our customers. Relationships that are built on trust, transparency, and communication. We want you to know us—and to know you can count on us for your machined parts each and every time.

If you’re thinking about using an on-demand industrial parts marketplace to order CNC machined parts, reach out to our Denver machine shop for a quick chat first. We’ll explain more about how you can save time and money with a manufacturer you know and trust.


Design for Manufacturing (DfM) Best Practices for CNC Machined Parts


Our Story: Get to Know Summit CNC